
China Urges US & Russia To Reduce Their Nuclear Arsenals...

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Friday called on the US and Russia to reduce their nuclear arsenals during the UN-backed Conference on Disarmament in Geneva. While Washington is constantly hyping up China’s nuclear arsenal, it is only a fraction of what the US and Russia possess. Estimates on the higher-end put China’s nuclear stockpile at 350 warheads. Russia has about 6,350 warheads, while the US has 5,800. Despite the numbers, the US complains that Beijing does not want to enter arms control talks. But China has no motivation to do so unless the US and Russia make an effort to reduce their arsenals. Regardless, the US continues to blame the issue on China...  Read More Here... Our latest stories... 2000 Facts Oops! Make sure JavaScript is enabled in your browser.

Eight Anti-Trump Narratives The MSM Had To Admit Were Fake All Along...

Less than a year after President Donald Trump left office, it turns out a lot of the narratives pushed by corporate media and politicians have turned out to be exactly what Trump said they were: “fake news.” Here are some of the biggest anti-Trump theories, debunked. 1. "Trump ordered protesters to be tear-gassed for a photo-op" Just an unbelievable use of military and police force to clear out Lafayette Park of protesters for a photo op at St John’s Episcopal Church. — Jim Acosta (@Acosta) June 1, 2020 He's using the American military against the American people. He tear-gassed peaceful protesters and fired rubber bullets. For a photo. For our children, for the very soul of our country, we must defeat him. But I mean it when I say this: we can only do it together. — Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) June 2, 2020 Despite the emotional pleas from then-presidential candidate Biden and Acosta, it turns out the claim that Trump

Biden Violates British Royal Protocol

Joe Biden met the Queen for the first time at a no-holds-barred reception with G7 leaders at the Eden Project tonight - after the White House Resident appeared to break royal protocol.  Biden's 18-car convoy swept into the venue in Cornwall five minutes AFTER the Queen got there with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Charles and Camilla.  It is usual for all guests to be in place BEFORE the Queen arrives for any official event. But it appears no grudges were held by the most senior members of the firm, as pictures showed the Queen beaming as she spoke to Joe Biden and his wife... Read Full Report on The Daily Mail... Our latest stories... 2000 Facts Oops! Make sure JavaScript is enabled in your browser.

WATCH: Antifa Breaking Into The Capitol Building Before The 'Insurrection'

The truth always comes out. In the aftermath of the January 6th “insurrection,” many Trump voters complained that they were set up. They claimed that it was Antifa that first broke into the Capitol Building — and that innocent Trump supporters were lured into the building. Specifically, there was a fear that Antifa infiltrated the rally. Democrats called it a crazy conspiracy theory. Their allies in the mainstream media mocked the very notion. But now, 6 months later, there is new video evidence that appears to suggest that, yes, it was Antifa that first broke into the Capitol Building. Watch the video below: Pay Attention πŸ‘‡πŸΌ — α–‡. α”•α‘•OTT α”•Iα‘•α—©α–‡IO 2.0 (@SicarioScott) June 8, 2021 Where are all MAGA insignia?  Read The Full Report on We Love Trump... Our latest stories... 2000 Facts Oops! Make sure JavaScript is enabled in your browser.

Missouri Defenders Of The Constitution Are Going To Love This...

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson will sign newly passed legislation that would ban state law enforcement agencies from enforcing new federal gun laws following proposed rulemaking from the Biden administration to regulate firearms with stabilizing braces. According to Parson spokeswoman Kelli Jones, the Republican governor will sign the “Second Amendment Preservation Act,” which says that it is the duty of courts and law enforcement agencies in Missouri to protect the Second Amendment rights of citizens to keep and bear arms. It also declares federal laws that infringe on that right null. “The Governor is aware of the legal implications of this bill, but also that, now more than ever, we must define a limited role for federal government in order to protect citizen’s rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment... Continue Reading on The Epoch Times... Our latest stories... 2000 Facts Oops! Make sure JavaScript is enabled in your browser.

Pres. Trump: "I've Been Working On A Much More Important Project Right Now"

President Trump reportedly received numerous book deals but passed them up for something more important. President Trump released a statement yesterday giving an indication of what he is up to.  The President released the following: "I turned down two book deals, from the most unlikely of publishers, in that I do not want to do such a deal right now. I’m writing like crazy anyway, however, and when the time comes, you’ll see the book of all books. Actually, I’ve been working on a much more important project right now!" What would that be?  Continue Reading on The Gateway Pundit... Our latest stories... 2000 Facts Oops! Make sure JavaScript is enabled in your browser.


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