Black Ivy League Professor: ‘Truly Anti-Racist’ Parents Must Pull Kids From School...

John McWhorter, a black Columbia University linguistics professor, is urging parents who are “truly anti-racist” to pull their children out of a private school that has started to teach far-left critical race theory.

McWhorter’s remarks about Dwight-Englewood School come in response to English teacher Dana Stangel-Plowe’s decision to resign from the school over allegations that it is indoctrinating students with the Marxist theory.

“All hail Dana Stangel-Plowe, who has resigned from the Dwight-Englewood school, which teaches students ‘antiracism’ that sees life as nothing but abuse of power, and teaches that cringing, hostile group identity against oppression is the essence of a self,” McWhorter tweeted.

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