Judas Pence and Nikki Haley Reportedly Coordinating To Take Down Trump...

The RNC club has a visible set of priorities and an invisible set of standards that apply only to the top donor class, the BlackRock Republicans within the party, and they work intentionally and willfully to keep those standards and priorities clouded from the electoral base. The RNC actively works against our interests, and yet so many within the MAGA community cannot see it, even though they feel it… they know it to be true, but they cannot accept it.

And it's that "club" the one that is quietly operating using Mike Pence and Nikki Haley as an example and a warning.

The people behind the club are positioning Nikki Haley and Mike Pence as a defense against MAGA. They do not care about winning the election in 2022, 2024 or any other election. What they care about is their money and power. They want to retain their Wall Street and Multinational investment programs to keep their wealth growing and remain atop the pyramid...

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