The Lone Star State Ready To Carry Out Its Own AZ-Style Forensic Audit

President Donald Trump is applauding suggestions that Republicans in Texas may open an Arizona-style forensic audit of its 2020 election results.

"I said, 'You should do it because you'll find out what's going on in this country.' It's crazy," he said Saturday night while applauding the "brave and unyielding conservative warriors in the Arizona state Senate" who "created a movement all over the country."

On July 12, lawmakers in Texas's state House filed HB 241, known as the "Texas Voter Confidence Act," which would open a forensic audit into the 2020 election results.

"We need a forensic audit to uncover all the voter fraud," state Rep. Steve Toth, who filed the legislation, said on Monday. "Prior to the special session, I met with constituents across District 15 in South Montgomery County. The Texas Voter Confidence Act is a product of those meetings and a direct request from the voters who sent me to Austin. Texans want to know more about the claims of voter fraud and deserve to have confidence in their elections."

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