Spanish Health Ministry Forced To Confirm They Have Never Isolated Covid Virus...

In a response to a request made under the Transparency Act (2013), the Ministry of Health in Spain acknowledged that “it does not have a SARS-CoV-2 culture” nor a “registry of laboratories with culture and isolation capacity for testing.” The response also discharged all responsibility for diagnoses and treatments onto health professionals and recognised that “tests, by themselves, are not usually sufficient to determine the disease.”

on 22 July 2021, La AsociaciĆ³n Liberum (Liberum Association); BiĆ³logos por la Verdad (Biologists for the Truth); and, an individual made a request to the Spanish Ministry of Health for public information regarding the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The request, amongst other things, asked for a sample culture of the virus that could be independently tested.

Authorities received the request on 10 August and according to the Transparency Act the Ministry of Health had one month to respond. They gave their response, including the above statements, on 8 September 2021 which can be found HERE (the original text was in Spanish, so we decided to use Google Translate to translate it into English).

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